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What Will it Take for the Next Revival?

I have often said that I think we are on the verge of the next big evangelistic revival. Here are the five things that will help it to happen.

Revival happens when culture is increasingly hostile toward Christianity. That is happening: notice the incredible amount of public hate and anger in our culture, the approval of the taking of life, and the lack of respect for the Bible and what it says.

Revival happens when a cataclysmic event shakes up the normal status quo. It makes people question, hunger, or want something bigger and better. Hello, COVID.

Revival happens when the church as it is currently will not be up to the challenge. Far too many churches and Christians have put their trust in politics. Churches have aligned with, and seek approval from, culture. Churches focus inward. And the bigger the church, the more important it becomes for them to focus on their own viability and to protect the organization.

Revival starts from the ground up, not the top down. It will not happen with a program, committee, or organization. It starts with individuals who catch fire and it multiplies from there. Sometimes you cannot even figure out where it started.

It will be Bible-based. That is the only way it can be a grassroots movement. Not led by professionals and not only by those highly educated in theology. But a Bible-based movement.

It will much more about Jesus than church. Church identity will not play a major role. Jesus will.

I think the Holy Spirit is working.

I think the atmosphere is right.

Established churches are not getting it done – at least not most of them.

People are hungry and in need.

The Bible actually is pretty easy to understand.

Are you one of those whom God is about to unleash on a lost world?
