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The One True Gospel

Jesus. The good news we teach and preach is that Jesus died for our sins according to the Scriptures, he was buried, and he was raised from the dead according to the Scriptures. The gift of Jesus is what saves us. That is Paul’s message in 1 Cor. 15. We live in that gospel. The life we live is lived by faith in the Son who died for us. The Son we were crucified with (Gal. 2:20). That is the only gospel.


To teach any other message as gospel endangers not just those who hear us, but even ourselves (Gal. 1:8).

There are things that are part of obeying the gospel and living out the gospel. But they are not the good news. I believe that most leaders would never teach a false gospel. At least not intentionally. But it easy to teach things in such a way that people become confused about the gospel that saves us.

So I would suggest we be clear when we teach the following.

The Bible is not the gospel. In the Bible we can read the good news story, from Genesis to Revelation. But the Bible will not save you.

Right doctrine is not gospel. There is right and wrong doctrine, but being right on doctrine will not forgive your sins.

Baptism is not gospel. It is how you respond to the gospel. It is your entry into the good news, but it is not the gospel.

The church is not gospel. Church is who you are when you respond to the gospel. The “right” church does not save you.

Good works are not gospel. Good works are part of how we live in the gospel, but they are not gospel. We are not saved by our works.

Social justice is not the gospel. How we treat others is part of living the good news. Caring for those in need is what gospel people do. But it is not the good news that will save us.

Not doing wrong is not the gospel. Living the good news certainly involves a rejection of a life of sin. But not doing wrong is not going to happen, so it will not save us.

Jesus is the gospel. His death for our sins as told in Scripture. His burial. His resurrection by the power of God according to Scripture. That is the good news that saves.

Believe it. Respond to it. Live in it.

But do not confuse living out the good news with the good news. They are not the same.