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He Is Risen!

It's taken me a long time to come to embrace the traditional Christian calendar. Raised in a traditional Church of Christ, with all the benefits I gained with that heritage (e.g., a love for scripture leaps to the front of the list), I had a long journey to make from discrediting the Christian calendar to embracing it. I distinctly remember an Ash Wednesday back in Denver (20 years ago), debating whether I should mention to my friend that she had a smudge on her forehead. I had no clue it was a cross, even less of a clue where she had been or what she had done that day. This year I was privileged to lead the opening prayer at our Ash Wednesday service (posted here). And only the past few years have I learned what to say when I hear "He is risen" on Easter Sunday, the proper response is to say, "He is risen indeed!"

Apologies for sending alerts on a post that was not a post a few minutes ago. I have been working on the side (or bottom on a hand held device) categories, adding another page on preaching resources for Psalms and accidentally set the material as a post rather than a page. Speaking of still having much to learn. That said, if you have not already taken a look at these resources I hope you will soon. And if you are aware of others (say a video or audio recording(s) posted online from when I came to speak in your area, please send me the link and information about the link at: and I will get it posted. Thanks!

Whatever your Easter Sunday tradition may be, from singing the "Hallelujah Chorus" (with the Dayspring Church in Edmond, Ok), to families who gather at gravesides - to remember the past and remember the promises we have for the future. I hope your day has been blessed. He is Risen!