Reflection Roundup

This initiative seeks to curate and dispense more broadly news items, books, blog posts, notable opinion pieces, and more that address the work of ministers and other church leaders. Listening widely expands our capacity to listen well to God and to our ministry contexts.


Beth Ann Fisher

Beth Ann Fisher serves the Siburt Institute as a doctoral fellow while pursuing her Doctor of Ministry at Abilene Christian University. She is a local hospital chaplain, loves intertestamental connections, and finds life in liturgy. She is driven to help all people sense the nearness of God and the wellness the Lord’s presence brings. Together with husband of 27 years, Craig, she delights in adventure along with “man-children” Riley and Owen, and they're crossing national parks off their list. University ministry at Highland Church captivates her heart, as do a growing number of dogs. This season of life brings new appreciation for the present moment and the ones she’s with.