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Celebrating Black Excellence

Happy Black History Month!

As I have highlighted in my previous writings, “Why White Christians Should Know Black History” and “Black Love … For America,” Black history is American history. The story of Black folks in America is intimately connected to the story of America. One cannot share the story of America without highlighting the experiences of Black people. America, being one of the world’s superpowers, was built on the blood, sweat, tears, pain, and lives of Black people. There would not be an America as it exists today if not for Black people.

While it is important to remember where we’ve come from, I am inspired to celebrate Black history this year by focusing on those who are making Black history today. One can argue that there are many injustices still occurring today and that it’s imperative to reflect on those who have paved the way for a better America today. I agree. Yet many of us are making history today, and it is also imperative that we celebrate and support our Black leaders. We must honor Black history by supporting and celebrating Black excellence today.

When you have a moment, google Black leaders or Black-owned nonprofits and companies in your city. Read their “About Us” page and, if the work they’re doing is geared toward making a difference, then support them. It is one thing to highlight the icons of our past like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and others, but it’s another thing to see the courageous people who are on the ground level, pursuing a vision that is bigger than them. Leaders like me may not receive national or global recognition, but we are committed to rolling up our sleeves to work for a better world. So if you want to celebrate Black history, which is American history, intentionally search for Black-owned organizations and support them with your time, finances, and other helpful resources.

Before I leave you, I invite you to listen to this guided meditation centered on celebrating Black history and calling us to make new history. May our kids reflect on this new history and become inspired to continue the work for a better world. I, the founder and executive director for Yoga 4 Philly, partnered with Small Shop Strategies to produce a series of guided meditations sessions for leaders who are making a difference in their communities. Let’s walk the walk together for a better world.