Alone with God - Counting my Blessings (March 2014)

Alone with God - Counting my Blessings (March 2014)

It’s Sunday morning,
        and I’m at home;
the community is meeting,
        but I’m alone with you.

Sleep did not come easily,
        not until early this morning;
so already worn down,
        pain came swiftly today.

Too much pain to go out,
        so here we are together:
just you and me,
        and that’s okay, good.

Oh, I miss the community,
        but alone with you
I can count my blessings:
A wife who loves me,
Beauty that radiates from deep within.
Children, who fill our lives with joy:
David, T’auna with Taylor, Wade,
Even more with Simeon, Steven, and Lannea;
Future grandchildren already on the way.
Gifts I can exercise in comfort,
Happiness I never imagined.
Ink on paper, page after page.
Jokes that make me laugh.
Kissing Dana good night, good morning;
Laughter that fills our home.
Mountains again this summer.
Nimrods of the Cave of Adullam,
Other colleagues who bring joy.
Preaching from time to time.
Questions that keep me searching,
Research that excites me.
Students who fill my classroom;
Teachers who challenged and formed me.
United Grocery, all we need and more.
Vocation, meaningful and fulfilling;
Writing, oh God, thank you.
X beside each item on my to do list.
Your blessings that fill my life.
Zest for life lost, and found again.

Thank you Lord,
                for filling my life with your gifts.


Limited permission is granted for reuse of this prayer in worship or other venues. If printed in any form attribution must be given as "Glenn Pemberton," Special permission is required to print three or more of these prayers at one time in any form, print, electronic, etc., and must be secured by request at

Ash Wednesday (March 2014)

Ash Wednesday (March 2014)

For Preachers (March 2014)

For Preachers (March 2014)