Remembering Kent Rideout

Remembering Kent Rideout

Kent Rideout (ACU class of ’86) was the Senior Vice President and chief operating officer of the Abilene Christian Investment Management Company. He was a good friend of mine. I first knew him in my youth group back in the early 1970s. Later we served together as elders. Lots of lunches together talking about leadership, evangelism, and being better husbands, Dads, and grandfathers. He was encouraging, spiritual, and real.

And he was killed a few weeks ago in a motorcycle accident at age 65. I had the honor of doing his funeral.

The moment I heard the news, I began hearing verses in my head. And that reminds me why we need to know Scripture: at times when it is hard to process what is happening, we will hear God. We all need to hear God in times of crisis. As spiritual leaders, we must be prepared to speak God-words into the lives of our people in crisis.

So, here are the three texts that immediately came to mind. They helped me. I shared them with the family immediately. I shared them at the family-only graveside service. Maybe they will speak to you at just the right time, or come into your mind as you sit and share with hurting families looking to you for hope and encouragement.

I Thessalonians 4. There are three things I think about with Kent. One: I am a hope griever—I grieve the loss of Kent. Two: I'll miss our lunches—I will miss his counsel. Three: It seems too soon—so of course I grieve. I grieve for me. For his family. For his friends. But I will not grieve as one without hope. And the reason is because of Jesus. I believe Kent is with Jesus, and I will be too someday. I am using this word from God to comfort those of us who are hurting.

Philippians 1. Paul talks about how he thanks God every time he remembers the Philippian Christians.  I am so thankful for memories. For the things that remind us of the loved ones who got home before us. So I'll think about Kent when eating Mexican food. Or talking about missions in Thailand and China. When I see a motorcycle and remember how he loved life.  

And Hebrews 12. The cloud of witnesses. Heroes of the faith. Surrounding me as I run my race. Kent is among that crowd now. Cheering on his family. Cheering me on. Helping me stay focused on the finish line. 

Grief is real, but so is hope. And hope in Jesus carries us through the grief all the way home.

Real words from a real God to real people living in a real world.  

That is why we learn Scripture. 

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